Intuitive Readings, Theta Healing Therapy, & Chakra Balancing.
Get in Touch
(415) 583-1937

Our Story
A man who carries his own lantern need not fear the dark… Hasidic saying.
Theta Healing was discovered by Vianna Stybel about 20 years ago after curing herself from a tumor in her leg. Vianna teaches courses and teacher trainings all over the world. Headquarters are in Montana, USA. Theta Healing is now practiced in almost 200 countries with Theta Healing Practitioners all over the world.
I began my spiritual healing journey back in 1991 with some 12-Step programs where I gained a relationship with a Higher Power. With direction, spiritual practice, and steps to find employment, I landed a job in Paris, France helping the environment. In 2000, I began to question my work in international organizations after a life changing experience which resulted in the loss of a pregnancy. I began volunteering with children. I had discovered how valuable children were after the loss of my own, and I wanted to keep helping the world one child at a time.
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After 9/11, I moved from New York to the Bay Area, where I grew up, and began working as a Behavior Therapist and Administrator in an organization serving families. Soon after, I began to pursue a graduate degree in Psychology. My instruction was with a holistic approach, where I studied Counseling Psychology, Clinical, as well as Somatic and Transpersonal Psychology. As a big fan of Carl Jung, I began analyzing my dreams, and found myself moving into teaching children in schools working as a liaison in Special Education between Students and Teachers, and as a Teacher in juvenile hall and in bilingual Spanish and Mandarin classrooms. I became an Educational Therapist, and Marriage and Family Therapist Intern conducting psychotherapy sessions with adults and children in French and English.
In addition to these positions, I was running a Bed and Breakfast in my home in San Francisco. Rents went sky high when many Tech workers moved into the city, and due to so much emotional effort to keep everything going, I took a break and moved to Europe again in 2014-2015, all the while managing my Bed and Breakfast from abroad. In 2015, I moved to Oakland upon my return. I found Theta Healing a great compliment to my psychology skills for healing the self and others. In 2016. I studied Theta Healing with Paula MaGuire, participating in several Theta Healing workshops and practice groups. I have used Theta Healing on my own healing, and also receive Theta Healing from colleagues and other Theta Healing Practitioners. Theta Healing works on all 4 levels, and can change beliefs in the subconscious to allow for changes otherwise blocked by the subconscious. I found Theta Healing instrumental in making changes in my own life as well as with others since 2016.
Please contact me if you would like more information on this AMAZING healing practice!
Make a donation.
I accept donations to help some clients that may need scholarship funds to help with the cost of healings. In addition, there are healings I do for animals and some that are free of charge. Any donation you make will help continue this cause. You can make all the difference.

If you believe in a Creator of All that Is, or the Spirit of the Universe, Theta Healing can work for you!! During sessions I go up to the 7th plane of existence and ask The Creator to change beliefs and blocks from all lifetimes that stop you from vibrant health, barriers that stand in the way to allowing more abundance in your life, open you up to attract a soulmate, and to get what you want or something better. I always ask for your permission before I change these beliefs and do an energy clearing session. We get down to the core belief or barrier that is blocking you, replace it with something that works instead, and the rest just comes with a little action on your part…. like a loving partnership, dream job, extra money in your pocket, or better health. It’s a very exciting process, and the first time I did it I needed to take rests for about a week to allow all the changes made deep down within to process and integrate!

I am a Holistic Healer, Entrepreneur, Teacher, and former Psychotherapist Intern. I have been a Theta Healing Therapist since 2016. Sessions can be done anywhere in the world…. In person here in Oakland, California, USA, Worldwide via Zoom, or over the Telephone. I’m also able to conduct sessions in French.
Contact us.
It all begins with wanting a change. Change in yourself, and change in your life for the better! Contact me to find out what Theta Healing is and what it can do for you! Theta Healing can change things for your at a deep level without tons of therapy and results can be instantaneous or even may take a few days to fully integrate and settle. The changes are consistent and deep, and like an onion, each time you do it a new layer of the healing is done…
If you would like to connect and schedule a Free 20 minute introductory session to find out more about Theta Healing, or have a regular Theta Healing Session or Intuitive Reading, please contact me directly.
Colleen Henderson, MA
(415) 583-1937

Free 20 Minutes
Theta Healing Introduction

30 Minutes
Intuitive Reading
with Theta Healing